WorkCover Assist is a free service funded by WorkSafe Victoria.
WorkCover Assist is available to help all workers' who have a WorkCover dispute that is referred to the Workplace Injury Commission (WIC) for conciliation.
Yes. WorkCover Assist Workers' Consultants will travel to all regional centres to assist you with your conciliation conference.
WorkCover Assist consultants are unable to help with lump sum or common law matters. Please discuss these matters with your solicitor.
Yes. However, a reasonable period should have passed to allow for the WorkCover agent or self insurer to address your request. You should contact your WorkCover agent or self-insurer and request a response before referring the matter to the WIC.
You should state either:
- I disagree with the decision as attached.
Or, if no decision has been made, you should state:
- The insurer has failed to make a decision about and to approve…..(describe the request you made).
No. Workers are not allowed legal representation at a conciliation conference (unless all the other people involved agree). We will liaise with your lawyer throughout the process.
No. While they are not lawyers, the Workers' Consultants are very familiar with the Accident Compensation Act 1985, relevant WorkSafe policies and WIC processes.
No. The conciliation conference venue, date and time are arranged by the WIC. If you request the help of WorkCover Assist, the WIC will also take into account the availability of WorkCover Assist to ensure your Workers' Consultant is able to attend your conference with you.
If you are unable to attend the scheduled conciliation conference, you should contact the WIC immediately on 9940 1111. If you believe your medical condition prevents you from attending the conciliation conference, you should raise this with the WIC immediately and ask about what other arrangements may be put in place.
Yes. An expense claim form will be provided to you at conciliation by the WIC.
Costs that can be claimed are as follows:
Transport expenses: $67 (1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023)
Loss of income: $461 (1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023)
Yes. One representative from your employer is entitled to attend and participate in the conciliation conference. Your employer may also invite a relative, friend or other person to assist them at the conference.
No. While WorkCover Assist is able to attend the WIC as your assistant, we are unable to accompany you to your examination with the Medical Panels.